Synchronicity threads representing connected energy

What is Synchronicity?‎

Synchronicity is a moment in time when a coincidental event, with extraordinary meaning, changes a person’s awareness or consciousness. Such an event can be profound and is often associated with an unexpected shift in a person’s directional path.

So, it’s not often that we go about our daily lives when all-of-a-sudden, and rather unexpectedly, we experience an occurrence that immediately makes us step back, pause, and pay attention. A visit to the dentist, grandmas house, or a simple walk along the beach may seem very ordinary and uneventful experiences but, what if that tooth extraction you had avoided for months all of a sudden reunited you with a long, lost relative who is now performing the actual extraction? Some might call it a coincidence. Others might use rational thinking and put it down to numbers and chance. But, what if that occurrence was delivered to you on purpose and for a reason? In spirituality, we usually call it simply as ‘Synchronicity’.

How do you know if it’s Synchronicity?

A serene and symbolic image of a butterfly gently landing on a person's outstretched hand.

Sometimes, an unusual occurrence or experience can be misinterpreted and put down as just something unusual that happened. People who tend to be ‘busy’ or constantly on the ‘go’ may have trouble even recognising an unusual event in the first place. Synchronicity is not something that’s easily acknowledged, even by those who know of it so, how on earth can we tell when even the experts in this field might have trouble seeing it? Well, here are some examples, just to help you to get you on the right track:

A good example of Synchronicity is when something you have searched for and never found, all of a sudden appears before you very unexpectedly. For example, a failed search for your passport is found – not by you, but by someone else. Or, the answer to a puzzling question miraculously appears in an unrelated movie you watched. Here are some more…

  • A simple thought you had years ago has miraculously materialised out of the blue,
  • You suddenly did something you swore you would never, ever do and everyone around you is ok with it,
  • Obstacles in your path have miraculous shifted or even disappeared for clear passage,
  • A person that you disliked or shunned all your life has unexpectedly saved you in some way,
  • A stranger on a train looks and/or behaves exactly like your long departed friend or family member,
  • You received a phone call from someone who you dreamt about the night before.

What does it mean when we’ve had synchronicity connection?

Well, this is the hard part. However, no-one, if anyone, is going to know what it means except you. It’s often acknowledged that when synchronicity occurs, that’s it meant for only one person and it’s up to that person to then interpret the meaning. And the problem with this sometimes is that the meaning is usually misinterpreted. Like in the examples above, what possible meanings could there be for a stranger, on a train, to behave like your long departed brother?

People around you might suggest that it’s a sign from the grave. Perhaps your brother is angry with you for something you’ve done? Others might even go so far and suggest that it’s a warning and that you should not go on that trip you had planned.

Listening to other people’s ‘advice’ is perhaps not the best thing to do. For one thing, they problem weren’t even there when it happened and this could be the most important part of it. How you felt and the thoughts you had at that moment in time is crucial to unravelling the meaning.

Is it a sign from God?

It could be. It might not be. Perhaps the best way to determine where it’s from is to firstly ask what it means to you. What resonates? If meaning ‘a’ is more ‘meaningful to you than meaning ‘b’ then, ask yourself why that is. Why is meaning ‘a’ more meaningful and why do you believe this synchronicity had occurred, at that time, at that place, and in that way? The questions you ask, the closer you’ll be to understanding it’s meaning, as well as ‘who’ might have sent it to you.

So, now that I know, what do I do with it?

Well, that’s up to you. You can chose to simply brush it off or you could go down the rabbit hole (so to speak) and see where it takes you. Just remember, when you encounter synchronicity, and you chose to ignore it, chances are that you might be ignoring a possible change in path direction.

A mesmerizing and symbolic image of interconnected golden threads forming an intricate, glowing web, representing fate and synchronicity.

So, what does that mean? Well, people who believe in spirituality consider that everybody has a path (or several of them). And if we vier off course, subtle ‘nudges’ or synchronicities might occur to help us get back to where we should be. And if we continue to not pay attention (ignore the signs), nudges might eventually turn into pushes and that’s when things can get very interesting.

Some people believe that when nudges become pushes, lives can sometimes turned upside down. An accident, financial ruin, divorce, or some other calamity can sometimes follow in order to set you straight.

At the end of the day, it’s your call. However, be very aware that one way or another, harmless synchronicities may turn sinister if you chose to do nothing or ignore them.

Synchronicities happen for our benefit.

Information about Synchronicity is available just about anywhere, including YouTube! Here is a video that we believe offers an explanation about 5 types of synchronicities to help you get started:

Alternatively, you can watch it here, ad-free!

5 Types of Synchronicities by Ethereal Wisdom