A dramatic and highly realistic image of a pair of hands reaching out from stormy ocean waters, struggling as if the person is drowning.

What is a Near-Death Experience (NDE)?

What is a Near-Death Experience (NDE)?

A Near-Death Experience (NDE) is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been reported by people from various cultures and backgrounds. It is a temporary state where a person’s consciousness remains intact even after their physical body has died or is on the verge of death.

Causes of NDEs

NDEs can occur due to various reasons, including:

  • Trauma, such as car accidents, drowning, or other life-threatening injuries,
  • Medical conditions, such as cardiac arrest or stroke,
  • Coma or vegetative state,
  • Drug overdose or poisoning,
  • Surgical procedures or anesthesias.

Characteristics of NDEs

Common features of NDEs include:

  • Out-of-body experience (OBE): The person feels as if they are floating above their body, observing it from a distance.
  • Sense of peace and comfort: Many NDErs report feeling a deep sense of peace, comfort, and joy, often accompanied by a sense of detachment from their physical body.
  • Life review: Some NDErs experience a life review, where they relive their past experiences, emotions, and memories.
  • Encountering loving beings: Many NDErs report meeting with loving, compassionate, and kind beings, often described as angels, spirits, or guides.
  • Sense of unity and connection: NDErs often report feeling a deep sense of unity and connection with others, as if they are part of a larger whole.

What Do People See on the Other Side?

While experiences vary, many NDErs report encountering loving beings, having a life review, and meeting with departed family members, angels, or even aliens. Some common themes and experiences include:

  • Meeting with deceased loved ones: Many NDErs report meeting with family members, friends, or pets who have passed away.
  • Encountering spiritual guides or angels: Some NDErs report meeting with spiritual guides, angels, or other benevolent beings who offer guidance, comfort, and support.
  • Life review: Many NDErs experience a life review, where they relive their past experiences, emotions, and memories.
  • Seeing the future: Some NDErs report seeing glimpses of their future, including their life’s purpose, challenges, and opportunities.

The Sense of Lightness and Release

Many people who experience an NDE report feeling a profound sense of lightness and release, as if their physical body has been shed like a worn-out skin. They often describe themselves as resembling an orb or a ball of energy, feeling free from the burdens and weights of the physical world. This sense of lightness is often accompanied by a feeling of euphoria, peace, and joy, as if they have finally reached a state of liberation from the constraints of the physical body.

Letting Go of Negativity and Life’s Burdens

A glowing ethereal energy form, representing the concept of the soul.

The experience of feeling lighter and released of negativity during an NDE is often described as a profound sense of freedom and liberation. It’s as if the person has finally let go of all the emotional, psychological, and spiritual burdens that they have carried with them throughout their life. This release is often accompanied by a sense of detachment from the physical world, as if they are observing it from a distance, unencumbered by the weights and worries of the material world. This experience can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation, allowing the individual to see themselves and the world in a new and profound way.

Why Would Anyone Want to Come Back to Their Body?

Although most NDErs want to stay on the other side, some are encouraged to return to complete their life’s purpose. They may be shown a glimpse of their future and the impact they can have on others. Some common reasons for returning to the physical body include:

  • Completing a life’s purpose: Some NDErs feel a strong sense of purpose and responsibility to complete their life’s work or fulfill their obligations.
  • Helping others: Many NDErs report feeling a sense of duty to help others, either by sharing their experiences or by completing tasks that benefit humanity.
  • Learning and growth: Some NDErs see their return to the physical body as an opportunity for growth, learning, and self-improvement.


To help summaries this article, here are 6 key points about Near-Death Experiences (NDEs):

  • Temporary state: An NDE is a temporary state where a person’s consciousness remains intact.
  • Causes: NDEs can occur due to trauma, medical conditions, coma, or other life-threatening situations.
  • Characteristics: Common features of NDEs include out-of-body experiences, feelings of peace and comfort, life reviews, and encounters with loving beings.
  • Sense of lightness: Many NDErs report feeling a profound sense of lightness and release. Almost as if their physical body has been shed like a worn-out skin.
  • Life review: Some NDErs experience a life review, where they relive their past experiences, emotions, and memories.
  • Purpose of return: While most NDErs want to stay on the other side, some are encouraged to return. They’re asked to complete their life’s purpose, to help others, or learn and grow.