Calmer.World is all about Spirituality. We cover related topics to help you to better understand who you really are. We also help provide answer to common questions such as what awaits us on the other side when we die. A greater awareness of spirituality can have a positive and long lasting impact on the lives of every person on the planet. “Who are we?”, and “what is our purpose?”, are all answered, as well as many more, of course.
Here, we discuss topics such as Meditation, Near Death Experiences (NDE’s), Out of Body Experiences, Death, Reincarnation, and of course many others, including Spirituality itself. In each topic, you’ll discover countless stories from people who share their personal experiences and thoughts.
We require no money, donations, or any other financial assistance. We have no products to sell and no books for you to buy. All we ask from you is an open mind for which we are grateful for.
Oh, and if you have an interesting story to tell, why not contact us about it? We would love to consider including it in one of our articles for everyone to read and enjoy.